The Books that Shaped Our Christian Homeschool
I’ve often said that when I began homeschooling, I didn’t realize how much I would be the student in the midst of this journey. As a former public school educator, it was quite the paradigm shift for me. I had to redefine what education was in order to embrace all that it could be.
These are the books that helped me work through those shifts and changes as I explored what it meant to fully embrace the freedom that comes with homeschooling. It has since become the heart behind my message here at Nurturing Connections Homeschool, connecting with what matters most.
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1. Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto
“Was it possible I had been hired not to enlarge children’s power but to diminish it? That seemed crazy on the face of it, but slowly I began to realize that the bells and the confinement, the crazy sequences, the age-segregation, the lack of privacy, the constant surveillance, and all the rest of the national curriculum of schooling were designed exactly as if someone had set out to prevent children from learning how to think and act, to coax them into addiction and dependent behavior.”
John Taylor Gatto was a public school teacher, awarded as New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991. It was in his acceptance speech that he shared what he had learned about education and compulsory schooling, shaking the very foundational principles of the public school system.
This book will challenge everything you may have grown up believing about education and the public school system and will encourage you to see education through a new lens. It is convicting but inspiring and definitely worth reading.
2. For the Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Charlotte Mason once wrote: “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” This book changed my world. It opened my eyes to the gift of childhood and all of the possibilities of a meaningful education. For the Children’s Sake is based on the writings of Charlotte Mason, beginning with the notion that “Children are born persons.” It embraces this special time of development and learning in a gentle, yet effective way, building relationships between the child and God, others, and the world at large.
3. Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie
“Unshakable peace does not come from getting through a certain amount of material over a specified amount of time, but it also doesn’t come from throwing in the towel and giving in when things get hard. Peace comes from recognizing that our real task is to wake up each day and get our marching orders from God. It comes from diligence to the work He hands us, but diligence infused with faith, with resting in God’s promises to guide and bless us.”
If I had to pick a favorite homeschool book, this one would have to be it. It’s the book I pick up in the middle of every year, when I need that extra boost of encouragement. It’s a sweet reminder to put God first and to trust Him with all that each day brings. It also provides practical tips for keeping things simple as we seek to be faithful with this gift of homeschooling.
4. Homeschool Bravely by Jamie Erickson
“How to squash doubt, trust God, and teach your child with confidence.” This book addresses the fears and struggles that often come with homeschooling your children and provides practical solutions to help you stay focused on the most important things.
5. The Unhurried Homeschooler: A Simple, Mercifully Short Book on Homeschooling by Durenda Wilson
This is a quick-read, filled with lots of encouragement for the mom, who’s feeling rushed and “behind.” It’s written by a veteran homeschool mom, and shares some helpful insights on the why’s of homeschooling and how you can embrace the freedom that it provides.
6. Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay Clarkson and Sally Clarkson
“Use real books and real life to make your homes a vibrant center of living and learning.” This is such a comprehensive book, including everything you need to know about homeschooling and discipleship.
It begins with a vision of Christian Homeschooling, then moves on to the home, learning, and specific methods and ideas for each subject. Finally, it provides management support, including specific charts and printables. It’s an all-in-one resource full of great ideas and inspiration!
7. Real Homeschool: Letting Go of the Pinterest-Perfect and Instagram-Ideal Homeschool by Karen DeBeus
“A Real Homeschool is one with God at the center. . . Our homes should be built on Him, decorated with His love, adorned with His grace. All the fancy decor in the world cannot be more beautiful than home filled with God’s love and grace.”
This book provides that little dose of reality we all need once we’re knee deep in everything homeschool and overwhelmed by all of the social media options. It’s easy to get lost in the comparison trap and to begin to feel like we need X, Y, and Z to make things work. This book helps us realign our center around THE most important things in order to more fully embrace the beauty that comes from a real homeschool.
8. Education: Does God Have an Opinion? By Israel Wayne
This book is a “Biblical apologetic for Christian education and homeschooling.” It provides an in-depth overview of the purpose of education, along with helpful comparisons between worldviews and the historical shifts in public school education.
In the second part of the book, the author shares an overview of each school subject from a Christian perspective, outlining the differences in approaches. He also shares valuable insights to help parents truly infuse Christianity in every homeschool subject, rather than in a separate study. It is eye-opening and convicting and really helps one see how much more meaningful learning can be when God is at the center of it all.
9. Revitalize: Breathing Life & Encouragement into Your Homeschool by Chellie Guthrie
This is a 52-week devotional, including encouragement for the weeks you are homeschooling and some for those when you are not. Each weekly devotional includes a scripture focus, message, and reflection activity or challenge to work through. It has been a neat way for me to step back and reflect on our journey over the years.
10. The Bible
This has been THE most influential book in our homeschool journey thus far. Reading The Word each day has helped me keep my eyes on what is truly of utmost importance. It has helped me see the value in discipleship and in the shepherding of our children’s hearts. It has helped me grow as a wife, as a mother, and as a homemaker. And it has helped me find peace in the struggles and challenges of this journey.
No, I have not “arrived,” by any means, but God’s Word is what keeps me growing and moving forward alongside our children. It’s what gives me peace of mind, knowing that as I faithfully walk each day, I can ultimately trust Him with the results.
Our God is so very good. . . Soli deo gloria.