Review: My Father's World- All Aboard the Animal Train
It's been a few years since we've used this sweet curriculum, but it's still on our shelves and so many of the activities and books are still very well-loved.
That's what we found to be so endearing about My Father's World over the years. Even though we didn't always use the curriculum exactly as it was written, so many of the activities, CD's, and books have continued to be our favorites. All Aboard the Animal Train was no different.
When the curriculum came out, I actually had many of the blocks and hands-on activities on hand. I had purchased them through My Father's World before they were made available as a packaged curriculum.
I'm a big prononent of play and embracing the gift of childhood, and I loved setting everything out for my little ones to explore. When the curriculum became available, I wasn't so sure if "formal learning" would be a good fit for our youngest since she was already doing so much with her older siblings during our group studies and Morning Time.
She loved participating with them as we used MFW: Exploring Countries and Cultures, and I didn't know if adding something else on top of it all would be necessary or worth it.
Here is what I discovered.
Watch the video below for all the details on our experience with My Father's World-All Aboard the Animal Train.
(*Note: This is not a sponsored post.)
Links Mentioned:
My Father's World-Exploring Countries & Cultures:
Lakeshore Block Play People: (Amazon affiliate link)
How to Create Quick & Easy Sensory Bins: ***************************************

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Have you used My Father's World-All Aboard the Animal Train?
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