Podcast: From Dream Job to Stay-at-Home Mom
The world often tells us that we, as women, can have it all. It pushes us to make more money, climb more mountains, buy more things, and get out to be our best selves.
It tells us that we can be anything we set our minds to. And it encourages us to not let anything get in the way of accomplishing our dreams. . . not even motherhood.
Especially not motherhood.
A woman with a successful career and children is known as the “SuperMom.” The woman who stays home full-time is the one that is “Just a Mom.”
The emphasis is always on what we can do, how much we can accomplish, and how much we can make. . . out there.
The Struggle of Coming Home
And because of this, it can often be so very hard to let go of the ideologies and habits that are so deeply ingrained in our identity and understanding of the world. In the midst of the distractions and pulls, it can be so hard to see what is truly most important.
Or at least it was for me.
I struggled so much when I went from public school educational consultant and business owner to stay-at-home mom. Those feminist and cultural roots ran deep, and I had a hard time fully breaking away from all that I had known. . .
This podcast interview I shared with Jennifer of Confidently Called is about the struggle. It’s about the difficulty I had transitioning between both worlds. It is in no way meant to judge another's choices. My hope and prayer is that it is an encouragement to those who have found themselves pulled in both directions as well.
The Value of Motherhood
Young Mothers, I want you to know more than anything else that your role as a helpmeet and mother matters. The work you do inside your home is the most important work you will ever do.
I know it’s not popular to say this. I know it’s not “politically correct” to even suggest that women should stay home with their children.
But as I look around at what is happening in our society and world, I cannot help but wonder what our nation would look like if every Christian family truly valued the role of motherhood and the importance of home.
I can’t help but wonder what would happen in a single generation if we returned to our posts to nurture and disciple our children—to be present, to be engaged, and to be fully invested in our homes. What would it do for the next generation if we walked as our husband's helpmeets and stood guard as “the keepers of our homes?”
Society Today
In the past 70 years, our world has been flipped upside down. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Moral depravity has run rampant, and we now have the most in-debt, over-medicated, and mentally ill society in history.
As a society, we have chased after money and success. We have chased after bigger and better things and houses and vacations, allowing the media, government, and schools to tell our children what to value, what to think, and how to live.
We took our eyes off the things that were eternal and focused on the things of this world. . . and the results have been devastating—both for the church and for our society.
Getting Back to What Matters
As Christians, however, we have been called to be holy, to be set apart.
I know that in this ever-changing world, this is getting harder and harder to do, but it is just as important as ever before.
We need to get back to loving our husbands, loving our children, and keeping our homes. We need to get back to practicing hospitality and reaching out to those in need. We need to get back to being the church, not simply attending one. We need to get back to living our faith and discipling our children, not just checking off boxes and getting through the day.
No, it won’t be easy. And for every family, it will look different.
But it is so very worth it. It truly is.
Wherever you are in the journey, I want to encourage you to seek Him above all else, and He will truly make your path straight.
Many blessings to you and yours.
Check out the rest of her podcasts and resources for more encouragement and inspiration!
“The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2: 3-5
“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.”
1 Timothy 5:14
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