Laughing at the Time to Come
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.” -Proverbs 31:25
It's hard to laugh some days. It’s much easier to lose our peace with everything that is going on right now. There are so many shifts and changes taking place, so much that is unknown and overwhelming.
Each day, we are told over and over again why we should be afraid, why we should be upset, why we should not gather, not worship, not travel, not hug.
Our country (and world) is living under a spirit of fear, and it is hurting so very many.
For you see, fear is a thief. It steals our joy and our peace. It convinces us to worry, to meditate on the negative, and to live in a constant state of stress. It causes us to isolate ourselves, live less, and buy more in order to take back some sort of control.
The sad reality, however, is that it is doing the controlling.
Fear is a part of the darkness. Chaos and strife and confusion are the weapons of the enemy, aimed to destroy that which is most important to us. They lead us to spin our wheels, grow in frustration, and push away that which we need most.
Truth. (John 14:6)
Only truth will break the chains that bind. Only truth will set us free. (John 8:32)
We must put on the belt of truth. We must fight back with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. (Ephesians 6:14-17)
Friends, I want to encourage you to get into The Word of God, whether it’s reading through the New Testament or the Gospels, or working from the Old Testament through the New Testament. Get into The Word. Memorize scriptures. Write your favorite scriptures in a journal. Meditate on His truths and delight in His ways. (Psalm 1:2)
Sing songs of praise in your homes. (Psalm 95) Play worship music as you go about your duties. Teach your children traditional hymns so that truth will sink deeply into their hearts.
And pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Pray for discernment and wisdom. (James 1:5) Pray with your children. And gather with others to pray. Fellowship with other believers and encourage one another, always pointing to the One, who is the author of all peace.
The opposite of fear is faith, and the opposite of strife is peace. The peace that God gives is not contingent on our circumstances. (John 14:27) The peace that He gives surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) It brings joy and goodness and warmth and light to the darkest of nights and to the biggest of storms.
As wives and mothers, I believe that we have such a huge responsibility to walk in that peace, in that strength and dignity. As help meets and nurturers, we are the hearts of our homes. We are the keepers, or guards, of our homes. (Titus 2:5)
We get to create the atmosphere that surrounds our families. We get to determine how our children will remember these days. We get to stand alongside our husbands to show them what it means to walk in faith.
I pray that we will choose to smile more, to sing more, and to dance more. I pray that we will abide more, pray more, uplift more, and nurture more.
May we be clothed with strength and dignity, and may we laugh at the time to come.💗
These are a few of the resources I am using right now to get in The Word each day:
Bible app YouVersion: Bible in One Year 2021
If you're new to Bible reading, consider starting with the verses I included in the post above, or email me with any questions you may have. For more encouragement, see On Quiet Time and Reading through the Bible in a Year.
If you have any favorite resources you would like to share, please comment below!