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Homeschooling is Not the Answer


We are living in scary times. Each and every day, there’s a new headline, a new story that shifts and pushes us further into a world that we no longer recognize. Up is down. Down is up. Right is wrong, and wrong is right.

Only it isn’t.

Truth still reigns. Our God is still on the throne. And we as His people are still called to rise up in such a time as this.

As more and more parents open their eyes to what is taking place in the public school system, more and more are speaking out, and many are seeking to homeschool. This year alone showed a large jump in the number of homeschoolers.

More and more have applauded the work of homeschooling families, touting homeschooling as “the only way to save humanity.” It’s the only thing that will turn our society back around, they say. It’s the only viable option for the education and future of our children.

And although, I agree that it can truly make a huge difference, I don’t believe that homeschooling is the answer. . .

The Problem

The wrongs in this nation are a result of a turning away. The “western” Christian church in so many ways has turned away from the Biblical doctrines and principles that created the foundation of our faith. It has assimilated into the culture, standing for very little, ultimately offering a watered-down doctrine for the “itching ears that want to hear.”

We have allowed immorality to run rampant under the guise of “equality” and “choice.” We have shrunk back in fear, seeking the affirmations and “likes” of men rather than God. We have allowed ourselves to be silenced with bullying tactics revolving around “political correctness” and relativism. We opted to look the other way and are now turning back to a world that is shifting further and further away from God and His ways.

We handed over our children as infants and trusted others with their education, their upbringing, their worldview. We allowed the media to teach them how to dress, what to value, what to think. And then, we thought that it would be enough to send the children to “Sunday school” once a week.

We didn’t realize what it meant to disciple our children, to “impress these things on their hearts when we go by the way” . . . We didn’t realize how much work it would take.


You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

-Deuteronomy 6:7


And now, we’re seeing where all of this has led, and we are frightened—-frightened for our children, for their future, for our nation. We see the takeover, the censorship, the “great reset,” and the daily reminders of how far we have come, and we long for a simpler time, a slower time, and a more meaningful existence.

The answer, however, is not homeschooling.

It is Jesus.

The Answer

Jesus is the way, and the truth, and the life. He is our savior, the only one capable of turning hearts and redeeming all that has been lost.

As we put our focus back on Him, and as we teach His ways unto our children, then, and only then, can we begin to battle back against the wiles of the enemy. It is only in faith that we can begin to truly embrace the freedom and the joy and the peace that He, and He alone, can offer.

An immoral people can never be granted liberty. Moral depravity can never produce a flourishing society. Broken families can never build a strong nation.

We need to get back to what made our country great to begin with. We need to look at what made us strong—our Christian heritage, our Biblical principles. We need to hold fast and advance.

No, homeschooling is not the answer.

But it is an opportunity.

The Opportunity

Homeschooling is an opportunity to shepherd the hearts of our children each and every day, to disciple them in the ways of The Lord. It’s an opportunity to protect our children from the humanistic and postmodern ideologies that have infiltrated our schools and media. It’s an opportunity to teach our children how to think critically, how to walk in righteousness, and how to embrace a Biblical worldview.

It’s the best opportunity, in my opinion, to build something stronger, something better in our nation. And it can truly be a means to turning things around.

But we must embrace the opportunity, for one can homeschool and still perpetuate the very system they sought to flee.

We must be intentional. We must rise up for truth.

Discipleship begins in the home. It begins with us. . . but it’s all about Him. We must abide. We must stay rooted, and we must seize the opportunity-- each and every day.

The question is not whether or not we will homeschool. In the end, it is what we do with the time we have that will ultimately matter.

Will we answer the call?


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

-Proverbs 22:6




Hi, I'm Veronica! 

I'm a follower of Christ, a wife to the love of my life, and a homeschool mom. I am also a step-mama and have an amazing son, daughter-in-love, and three of the sweetest grand-babies you'll ever meet!

I am a former middle school teacher and educational consultant turned homeschool mom and am passionate about Jesus, home education, reading, writing, and seeking truth. I also have a heart for simple living, health and nutrition, organization, planning, and helping homeschoolers walk in freedom. :)

Join me for the journey as we seek to connect with what matters most. 


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