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Free Masterclass: Nurturing Connections in Your Homeschool


What does it take to build the homeschool of your dreams?​

In the beginning, I thought it was all about the curriculum. I thought that if I had the right curriculum and the right resources, we would have the best year ever.

It took me hours of researching curricula and hundreds of dollars buying curricula to finally ​see that those pretty shiny packages didn't always hold the secret to homeschool success.

Yes, they helped, at times. Really helped.

But other times, they became too much to bear. I'd struggle with keeping up and pushing through. I'd put away the fun activities my children wanted to do in order to make sure we didn't "fall behind."

I missed so many opportunities in the name of keeping up with the curriculum.

I focused on the school part, when I should have started with the "home."

Homeschool is so much more than academics, Friend.

It's about discipleship and relationship. It's about exploration and discovery. It's about sharing life and growing together . . . in the home.

Three years ago, I sat in a log cabin, watching my children play as I pondered what it meant to truly nurture connection in our homeschool. I wanted more to our homeschool than just writing lesson plans and checking off boxes. I wanted more than the pressure I put on myself to keep up and stay on track.

What came from that time of prayer and reflection was the inspiration and heart behind this site. I saw what I stood to miss, and I longed to share it with others.

I took those notes and ideas and later put together my Homeschool Mom Bucket Planner. This Bucket Planner (PDF) is now available free for all members and includes checklists and ideas, along with "buckets" that can be used to record your curricula, ideas, and resources. My hope is that it will help you focus, organize, and track your progress along the way.

The accompanying Masterclass offers a step-by-step breakdown of it all, covering the following topics:

Video 1:



Video 2:


Homeschool Organization

Video 3:

Homeschool Curricula & Resources

Both are available for FREE to all members. Simply Sign-Up, then click on Member Freebies to access.

It is my hope that this class and system will help you lay the foundation for your homeschool so that you can focus on what truly matters most to you and your family.​

May you walk in the freedom that comes with homeschooling, and may you always nurture the connections you have with God, your family, and learning. ​



Hi, I'm Veronica! 

I'm a follower of Christ, a wife to the love of my life, and a homeschool mom. I am also a step-mama and have an amazing son, daughter-in-love, and three of the sweetest grand-babies you'll ever meet!

I am a former middle school teacher and educational consultant turned homeschool mom and am passionate about Jesus, home education, reading, writing, and seeking truth. I also have a heart for simple living, health and nutrition, organization, planning, and helping homeschoolers walk in freedom. :)

Join me for the journey as we seek to connect with what matters most. 


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