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Free Homeschool Student Checklists


When we first began homeschooling, we used Agenda Cards (free in Member Access!) to keep track of our homeschool subjects. I posted the cards each morning and had the kids take one down when it was completed.

Over the years, we shifted over to a posted homeschool schedule, and eventually, it evolved into group studies and independent studies. During our group studies, we start with Bible, then loop through history, science, music and art throughout the course of the week. After this time together, we go into independent time, where I begin with my youngest and work my way up to my 6th grader. (I shared more about the specific planning process here.)

During this block of time, the older children use Student Checklists to work through their subjects and track their progress. Their lists include all of the subjects, such as Book Basket, Math, English Language Arts, Reading, Extras, etc., along with the specific requirements for each. The children then check off their daily boxes as they complete each one.

Watch the short video below for all the subject details, along with how we inspire creativity and gratitude throughout the week. Then, download and print your FREE copy in Member Access!

Happy planning, Friends!



Hi, I'm Veronica! 

I'm a follower of Christ, a wife to the love of my life, and a homeschool mom. I am also a step-mama and have an amazing son, daughter-in-love, and three of the sweetest grand-babies you'll ever meet!

I am a former middle school teacher and educational consultant turned homeschool mom and am passionate about Jesus, home education, reading, writing, and seeking truth. I also have a heart for simple living, health and nutrition, organization, planning, and helping homeschoolers walk in freedom. :)

Join me for the journey as we seek to connect with what matters most. 


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