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A New Homeschooler's Guide to Homeschooling


Welcome to homeschooling! You are about to embark on the adventure of your life! This next year will be filled with highs and lows and research and learning, and in so many ways, YOU will be the student.

Be open to learning and shifting your ideas and old paradigms, and be open to seeing education in a whole new light.

Be ready to see your children with new eyes. And, be ready to come alongside them, to nurture and encourage them every step of the way.

Homeschooling is hard work, but it is also so very worth it. I want to encourage you to take the time to pray as you prepare for the upcoming homeschool year. It's easy to get lost in the homeschool world and end up far away from where you hoped.

Think about what you hope to accomplish and what it will look like. Start with the end in mind. Then, come right back to the beginning, and follow these steps to make it all happen.

You can do this, Mama! I'm here to cheer you on!

*Download this guide to record your ideas and notes in my Printable Library in Member Freebies. Sign up here for instant access.*

Step 1: Look up the homeschool laws and requirements for your area.

  • If you're in the United States, click here to see the specific laws for each state.

  • Record the requirements for future reference.

  • Create a task list for any actions you may need to take with local school authorities.

Step 2: Determine which subjects you will teach.

  • Look through your local requirements, and add on any additional subjects you want to cover, such as music, art, a foreign language, etc.

  • Watch this video for a subject overview, and note the ones that work for you in your guide.​

Step 3: Select curriculum and/or resources for each subject.

  • Decide if you would like an all-in-one curriculum or if you would like to purchase something separate for each subject.

  • If you have a large family, you may think about grouping your children together for certain subjects, such as Bible or art.

  • Consider the unique learning styles of your children. Do they prefer to work independently? Do they enjoy hands-on activities?

  • Research curricula to find what works best for your family.

Helpful Links

Where to Find Christian Homeschool Curriculum

Step 4: Map out your homeschool year.

  • Record how many days are required in your area. If there are no requirements, set a goal for your homeschool.

  • Decide when you still start your homeschool year and when you hope to finish. Will you follow the public school calendar for your area? Or will you homeschool year-round? Some homeschoolers take a week off from school after every term to allow time for reflection and planning.

  • Block off holidays and vacation days, and allow a few days for unexpected events, such as illness or weather days.

Helpful Links

Step 5: Create a term plan.

  • Divide your homeschool year into smaller blocks of time or terms. For example, will you have six-week terms? Or four-week terms? Decide what works best for you and your family.

  • Look over your list of subjects, and think about which ones you will teach each term. Unless required, you do not have to teach every single subject during every single term. Some homeschoolers choose to rotate certain subjects every other term. For example, they may cover art during one term and music in the next.

  • Create a plan that works for you so that you have time for what matters most.

Step 6: Create a weekly or daily schedule or agenda.

  • Determine which subjects will be taught each day, and create a weekly plan.

  • Then, create a daily schedule or agenda for each day. Watch the videos in the links below for more information and support.

Helpful Links:

How to Set Up a Daily Homeschool Schedule​

Step 7: Implement your plan and evaluate as necessary.

  • Be consistent with your plan, and evaluate after each term.

  • What was successful?

  • What needs to be changed?

  • Make any necessary adjustments as you plan for the following term.

Step 8: Enjoy your homeschool.

  • Read encouraging articles that inspire you.

  • Stay positive, and enjoy the journey.

Helpful Links:

From Public School to Homeschool: 10 Things You Need to Know

*This guide is a small part of my FREE Masterclass: Nurturing Connections in Your Homeschool. Visit Member Freebies and sign-up for instant access.

What other tips would you share with new homeschoolers?



Hi, I'm Veronica! 

I'm a follower of Christ, a wife to the love of my life, and a homeschool mom. I am also a step-mama and have an amazing son, daughter-in-love, and three of the sweetest grand-babies you'll ever meet!

I am a former middle school teacher and educational consultant turned homeschool mom and am passionate about Jesus, home education, reading, writing, and seeking truth. I also have a heart for simple living, health and nutrition, organization, planning, and helping homeschoolers walk in freedom. :)

Join me for the journey as we seek to connect with what matters most. 


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