About Nurturing Connections Homeschool
When you’re a homeschooling mom, there are a million different things vying for your attention. There are ever-growing mounds of laundry, dirty dishes, and piles of papers and crafts and curriculums. There are meals to be prepped and served, lessons to be delivered, materials to buy, rooms to clean, and so many voices tugging and pulling at you, this way and that.
We want so badly to nurture the hearts and minds of our children, but in this fast-paced world of do more and be more, it just sometimes seems so hard to stay ahead.
* If you've ever felt like you're the only one who doesn't have it all together because your homeschool isn't filled with all the picture-perfect overlays you see on social media . . . welcome.
*If you’ve ever jumped from curriculum to curriculum more times than you would like to admit . . . or if you’ve ever hoarded more curriculum than you could ever use . . . I'm right there with you.
*And if you’ve ever felt like you can’t keep up, aren’t doing enough, or are constantly falling behind, . . trust me, you are not alone.
Homeschooling can be really hard.
My Story
I struggled so much in those early years. I was a former public school educator and can honestly say, I was the worst possible candidate for homeschool mom.
I knew the world of standardization, grade levels, and testing and had no idea how to shift my mindset to this new understanding of education. There was so much to learn! I dove into homeschooling styles and curriculum options and wanted so badly to make it all work that I bought into every promise that came my way.
And then, I sat in tears when my little one just wasn’t learning and growing in the way the curriculum writer said he should.
I wish I could say that I prayed instead. I wish I could say that I saw the unique needs of my child and just trusted The Lord to lead me.
But I didn’t.
I stumbled and slipped, pushing and shoving and trying my best to fit my children into the molds that society had decided was best for all kids.
I piled on more and more, afraid to miss out on that next activity or book or curriculum that promised to make everything just fall into place. FOMO is so real, my friend.
Sadly, I added more but ended up missing more, until I finally realized that sometimes learning can look nothing like school, and what was ultimately most important were the connections my children had with God, our family, and learning.
It took me a while to unclench my fists, to fully embrace what the Bible said about wisdom and learning and discipleship. It took me a while to rethink education and understand what it truly meant to be educated.
It also took me a while to realize that no matter what I did, there would always be gaps in our children’s education. But it wasn't up to me to fill them all.
Instead, it was up to me to equip our children with the skills that they needed to fill them themselves when they embarked on whatever calling The Lord had for their lives.
This was true education, and it was so very freeing.
Homeschool Mama, I’m here to tell you, there is a better way.
Walking in Freedom
God has a unique purpose for each of our children and families.
We don’t have to fit into a “style” or philosophy or keep up with certain arbitrary standards in order to get this homeschool thing right.
We can truly walk in freedom in our homeschools.
No, it won't always be easy.
I know that there will be naysayers and standardized tests and a world of influence telling us to shape up and keep up and check off those boxes.
The struggle will always be there because it’s easy to lose sight of what is most important in the day-to-day grind. It’s easy to get caught up in the overwhelm and pressure of educational philosophies, homeschool supplies and decor, curricula, and social media and miss the very point of it all.
But together, it is so very possible and so very worth it.
We can take captive every thought and walk in faithfulness with what we are called to do. We can stay anchored in what is most important.
Connecting with what Matters Most
Here at Nurturing Connections Homeschool, it is my prayer that you will be inspired and encouraged to do just that.
My heart is to share resources, tools, and encouragement that will help you step onto the path that The Lord has for you and your family so that you may run the race with endurance.
No, I cannot promise that I will always get it right or that I will always have the answers, but I can assure you that I will point you to the One who does.
For you see, when we seek God above all and connect with His heart for our children, we can filter through the distractions and deceptions and teach from a place of love and encouragement. We can focus on what is most valuable and trust in His perfect will for our families.
We can fill our homes with truth and beauty and books. We can explore God’s creation with wonder and awe. We can build and paint and minister unto others. And ultimately, we can point our precious children to the One, who holds all things together in the palm of His hands.
Homeschooling gives us the unique opportunity to share life with our children. It offers daily opportunities for training and discipling, educating and developing, cultivating and encouraging, upbringing and fostering. . . and nurturing our children.
It's an opportunity to create a sense of belonging and home . . . an opportunity to teach our children what truly matters most.
Join Me!
Sign-up for FREE membership to my site and you'll have instant access to my printable library, along with my Masterclass: Nurturing Connections in Your Homeschool.
Trust me, you won't want to miss this one!
Your personal development is so very important, and this class will take you through the key areas that you'll want to nurture in order to fill your home with love and learning.
It also comes with a free downloadable Homeschool Mom Bucket Planner, so make sure you grab that in my printable library before getting started
After that you'll get exclusive email updates a couple of times a month, so keep a lookout from time to time for an extra bit of encouragement and inspiration! (And don't worry, I won't share your info or bombard you. I know you're busy, so I'll keep them short and sweet.)
Shop for More Resources
If you're just as excited as I was to finally walk in homeschool freedom, come and take a look at our Bucket Planners!
These planners are strategically designed to help you connect with what matters most in your homeschool. Select Pre-K/Kinder or Grades 1-12 for more information, or visit my Shop for more helpful tools or resources.
I also have a beginning reading and writing curriculum that is specifically designed to gently and systematically introduce young learners to the alphabet. Find out all about Nurturing Connections in Reading!
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